Add Folder to playlist in Media Player OE2.0

  • After switching to OE2.0 I found out that ADD FOLDER TO PLAYLIST in Movie Player adds folder and shows files in the playlist but when you try to play them you got black screen. Nothing happens. I have tried almost all popular images (NN2, GP3 (on Merlin and Experimental), Merlin3) and the problem occurs. Adding files from folder one - by - one works … I mean when you add files this way they are playing correctly.

    I don't speak German so I don't know if the problem is already known (for sure it is:)) and is there any solution to that.
    Thanks for any tips how to solve it.

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von MartyPL ()

  • Hi Marty,

    I just tried this again on our original image and I can't reproduce your issue. Could it maybe have to do with a weird character in the path name? Are you working with local harddrive directories or network mounts? What type of media files do they contain?
    Maybe provide a directory listing of the respective path, using the command


    in a telnet console.

  • I have tested "all possible" images (original 1.6 and 2.0), NN2 1.6 and 2.0, latest experimental, Merlin, GP3 (on merlin and experimental) and my backup image on which everything was working fine and now it's not … So I completely don't know what is going on. My media files are on NAS (mount NFS or SMB). I also have HDD in my DM8K and adding folders (from HDD) to playlist also doesn't work. I'm confused:( Adding files one by one works ok. Is there a chance to peview a file where the playlist is saved?

  • I use SSD to boot up DM8K since yesterday. I put some AVI files on it to try if adding folder to playlist works … and it is. Trying again adding folder from NAS to playlist doesn't work. My NAS is mounted on /mnt/net/mynas. Use as HDD is set to NO.

  • So here it is …

    "root@dm8000:~# find

    root@dm8000:~# "

    I hope this could help you to help me:) If I don't use telnet command as you suggested don't be mad I'm just average Joe with telnet.

  • this is your login directory /home/root which is useless.

    What is so difficult to understand on 'a directory listing of the respective path' ?

    cd /media/hdd/movie/xxxx (where xxxx is the path with the problem)


    ls -alh

    2 Mal editiert, zuletzt von Lost in Translation ()

  • So I did "FIND" in my respective path.
    Problem found and almost solved … As I use AFP on my NAS it creates .AppleDouble folders in every folder (on NAS) filled with files with exact same name as original files. When I am trying to add a folder to playlist it adds only files from .AppleDouble directories not original ones.

    I was fighting with that issue some time ago when I was trying to use PLEX Server on my Netgear ReadyNas. I completely forgot about .AppleDouble issue. The problem came back after OSX Mavericks upgrade for sure. As my playlist on Dreambox was generated when everything was fine, upgrade to Mavericks didn't change anything in playing my old playlist, but when I decided to move from OE1.6 to 0E2.0 I had to add directories to my playlist once again, but this time with new .AppleDouble folders.

    Thanks for your time and patience.