How to change Recorded movies location?

  • Anyone knows how to change the location where my DM500hd looks for Recorded movies when the Video button on the remote is pressed?

    For some reason it always looks into /media/hdd but my movies are located in media/dm folder.


  • Hi globalist,

    please don´t hesitate to try the "HELP"-button on your remote control if you are in the PVR list :smiling_face_with_sunglasses:

    Bouquet + or - to change between path and bookmark.

    HELP is that what it means :thumbs_up:

  • I know how to change the default movie location. Problem is the box just seems to ignore this setting and always looks into /media/hdd when I press the Video button.

  • ...add the path with blue button?

    ...then save the bookmark with green button?

    Sometimes this is what I forget, and I am irritated... :upside_down_face:

  • That's what I'm doing. Now I've rebooted the box and wiggled the hdd enclosure while it was rebooting and now my recorded movies appeared in /media/hdd for some reason, so I should be good without changing the paths. Before reboot they were in /media/dm folder though. God, if this isn't the most stupid setup system ever devised for any device! It doesn't work half the time.

    My problem is compounded by the fact I have an external esata hdd that will not automount upon DM reboot and the system (as in this case) will often default to /media/hdd for all the default locations. How on earth it doesn't check that this, in the absence of an external hdd, is actually an internal flash location and wants to record on there is beyond me...

  • Be concious that this isn´t the native language of this forum :kissing_face:

    Please don´t write so fast, I can´t read English in this speed! :wacko:

    I only understood the half of your last post. What I understood wasn´t very I wrong? :smiling_face_with_horns:

    "the most stupid setup system" is Linux...
    Maybe it is not the right system for you...
    Probably you should try to wiggle a little bit more???

    Sorry for trying to help