can I do something similar?

  • I'm a c/c++ developer and from some days I started to view python for enigma2 plugin.

    I have a question: supposing that I have some html content to display in a plugin I'd like to know if there is some enigma2 class which renders html content.

    Does it exist? If it dowsn't exist, I should parse html content and transform it to plain ones to diplay in a plugin?

    Thanks for your help

  • There are a lot of plugins already doing this. Go to the schwerkraft git PLUGIN repository, there you will finds like imdb plugin, weather plugin, traffic plugin, and others. All of them parse websites...


  • Thanks for your reply.

    So it seems to me that you can't show html content directly but you have to parse content ad use the standard enigma2 element (text,list, etc...) to show it.

    Do you agree with me?