DM500HD cannot write to certain sectors

  • Hello everyone looking for some advice please.Trying to flash my DM500HD with various firmware through DReamup and network with both and either usb and network cable just get start screen for a second then chequered screen after completed flash.Turned on recover bad sectors in Dreamup and there are four sectors with write errors which are not repaired.Is there anyway that I can repair these sectors? Thank you

  • NAND flash can always get bad sectors after some time, thats normal for memory like this.

    It should not hurt you because the system will mark those sectors as "BAD" and will not use them anymore once it got detected as *bad*. So there is really no need to repair them (you can't even do it). The system will mark them as bad and not use them anymore on next image-flash. You can only get a problem when you have hundreds/thousands of bad sectors, then the flash would be bad. But 4 bad sectors are really normal for nand-flash chips and no reason to get panic.

    The problem must be something else, not those bad sectors. My old DM7025 also has a bunch of bad sectors, but no problem here, box works fine.

    Theorie ist, wenn man alles weiß, aber nichts funktioniert.
    Praxis ist, wenn alles funktioniert aber niemand weiß warum.

  • Hi thank you for your help.When you say the problem must be something else what should I look at or try to get the box running Ok?Any help would be appreciated thank you