DreamMultimedia ELITE? Official?

  • Hiya DreamMultimedia friends... i've just found:

    [Moderator] Link is in violation of the Boardrules [/Moderator]

    it's called DreamMultiMedia Elite Forum... and they say that is a Offical DMM Support forum... isn't it? really? have you agree a joint with them?

    thnx! regards!

    - I've asked about somehting 30393928 times.
    - 0 answer
    - 30393928 posts closed
    - Will ever continue asking till answered

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von floh ()

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    There's no connection that we are aware of.
    HERE is the only official Dream Multimedia Support board.


    "All we need to do ... is keep talking (Stephen Hawking)"

    Ich leiste KEINEN Support per PN/E-Mail, derartige Anfragen werden nicht beantwortet.
    I won't give support via PN/E-Mail and I won't answer such messages.