[help needed] Dreamboxedit for DM500C

  • I had d/l bouquets and services files from my dm500c img..

    (the img was d/l frm website)

    1. i need help and teaching on Dreamboxedit channel sorting and added a new channel for DM500C

    Due to my country cable tv as they are change their channel from 2 to 3 digital number.. so i would like to change it on my dm500c too.. only channel number change , freq, pid all remain the same.

    yesterday i spent 1 day to do edit the number from 2 to 3 and upload back to dm500c but everything seen to be fail .. got channel menu but it not loaded well as in no channel signal

    Here is my 2 digital service and bq file

    2. do i need to re-calculate namespace at the end step? (because when i d/l my i saw namespace is 655939938 which other only had -64862)

    3. How to add if i only know freq, pid,vid?

    Current User of DM500C

  • Hmm .. I'm a satellite user and so no experiance with Dreambox & cable and not with Enigma1 also.

    But what I can give as Help, is that dreambox has an Bouquet oriented Channlelist.

    That means you have e.g. an own Favorite User Bouquet named e,g, "MyBouquet".

    On the left side are your Channellist of all available channels read from the box after channel search run setup.

    channel 1
    channel 2
    channel 3

    you drag the channel from left into the Userbouquet "MyBouquet" e.g. "channel 2"
    then again "channel 3" an so on ...

    "MyBouquuet" :
    - "channel 2"
    - "channel 3"

    in this example has "channel 2" the number "1", channel 3" has the number "2" and so on how the channels are sorted accendly.
    you can move / drag the channel in the Userbouqet on an other place ane therefor the channel has also an other number !

    it is not nessary to add numbers in the channel name, there names will be overwriten anyway.

    when you download the edited channellist / bouquets to the box with "sendfiles to dreambox" (with enabled autoreload) and to be sure that list will be loaded is the
    best to execute after that also "Reload settings on dreambox" (will make an GUI / Enigma restart) where EPG data will lost, but channelsettings are vaild loaded.

    DM8000 HD, (sata) HDD + (sata) SSD - DeLOCK + (usb) Stick, OoZooN OE2.0 (flash)
    QNAP TS-209 Pro, TS-409U, TS-219P
    40'' LCD Toshiba 40ZF355D
    AV : Logitech Z-5500 Digital

  • hi, thanks... as i had jumping number
    eg 101, 103, 104

    is it a must for me to put a blank channel on 102, ?

    and i had a e2 channel list can i convert to e1?? but total got 1000 channel included a blanks chanel. tried dreamset but it jam

    Current User of DM500C