question about the openembedded-1.6

  • Hello,

    I am making the DM800 image with openembedded-1.6

    I supposed that after make -f Makefile-openembedded-1.6 image, whole image made and I can use it.

    But After it, I got nothing.

    This is my output message.

    I am not sure that is the end of this process or need something but some error occured.

    please check it and help me.


    $ make -f Makefile-openembedded-1.6 image



    NOTE: Running task 1690 of 2033 (ID: 7, /home/ydgoo/dm800/openembedded/recipes/images/, do_install)
    NOTE: Running task 1691 of 2033 (ID: 13, /home/ydgoo/dm800/openembedded/recipes/images/, do_package)
    NOTE: Running task 1692 of 2033 (ID: 14, /home/ydgoo/dm800/openembedded/recipes/images/, do_package_write_ipk)
    NOTE: Running task 1693 of 2033 (ID: 12, /home/ydgoo/dm800/openembedded/recipes/images/, do_package_write)
    NOTE: Running task 1694 of 2033 (ID: 8, /home/ydgoo/dm800/openembedded/recipes/images/, do_populate_staging)
    NOTE: Running task 1695 of 2033 (ID: 11, /home/ydgoo/dm800/openembedded/recipes/images/, do_package_stage)
    NOTE: Running task 2032 of 2033 (ID: 10, /home/ydgoo/dm800/openembedded/recipes/images/, do_package_stage_all)
    NOTE: Running task 2033 of 2033 (ID: 0, /home/ydgoo/dm800/openembedded/recipes/images/, do_build)
    NOTE: Tasks Summary: Attempted 2033 tasks of which 2024 didn't need to be rerun and 0 failed.

  • An image was successfully built. IIRC it's in /home/ydgoo/dm800/build/tmp/deploy/images but don't even bother because you won't be able to flash it :winking_face:

    Use 1.5 instead if you insist on building your own image.

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  • Yes, you were right. my image was built with process.

    but Makefile-openembedded-1.6 has the problem so I don't flash it on the DM800?

    and If I change some code in enigma2, build is OK.

    But this enigma2 binary file is not included in the new image.

    How can I replace file in the original rootfs with my own build image ?

    Many thanks,

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von ydgoo ()

  • but Makefile-openembedded-1.6 has the problem so I don't flash it on the DM800?

    IMO no one should use it unless he/she has the intention to help develop it. It's still far of from being fully functional and ready for the end user and currently more than some steps behind 1.5 when it comes to enigma2 and related components.

    and If I change some code in enigma2, build is OK.

    I don't really see what you're trying to say here - the issues are not solely in the enigma2 code. Currently you can't even use the flash memory.

    But this enigma2 binary file is not included in the new image.

    Now it just gets more confusing...

    How can I replace file in the original rootfs with my own build image ?

    Either you directly build modified files or you modify them before they are packaged (but that would be very hackish).

    Seriously, use opendreambox 1.5 - and only if you learned the basics and still are crazy enough to accept having a buggy software on your dm800 get back to 1.6.

    Homescreen eurer Apple-Geräte noch nicht voll genug?

    dreaMote: Fernbedienung für Dreamboxen
    Mobile WOL: Wake-on-LAN Client für iOS mit optionalem Widget
    My Home Remote: Fernkontrolle für Homematic CCU/CCU2 optimiert für mobile Benutzung