No Sound on Specific HD channels .

  • Hello .

    I have a problem that I don't have sound on the
    HD channels of the D-SMART on 42E , I have marked in RED those that dont have sound only picture .

    Onky on the one channel I marked in blue All is ok ,

    see picture below :
    [Blockierte Grafik:]

    I am connected with the original DM800 DVI-to-HDMI cable to my Pioneer PDP-4280XA HDMI input .
    Now from what I understand is that the Pioneer does not support AC3 with its HDMI inputs , so I choose in DM800 A/V Settings to "Down Converte AC3 to = YES" this works for all other channels that use AC3 sound in HD channels , but for these channels it doesn't work and I don't have sound , I am not sure if the sound on these HD channels in 42E are AC3 , but if they are why doesnt the DM800 down convert like all the other channels , if it isn't AC3 why can't I hear anything ?

    Thank You .

  • press the audio button, is the apid being correctly identified ? show us the dvbsnoop output for that channel.

    dvbsnoop -nph -N 1 0x00

    you'll see the PMT pid listed there, assuming there are aprox 10 channels on that tp and the PMT pid is 0x020

    dvbsnoop -nph _n 10 0x20

    copy and paste the output for the channels your having issues with

  • OK I am testing this on the "Animal Planet HD Channel on 42E"

    When I click on the "Audio" I get a Pop-Up where it says :" 1 MPEG(English) " I choose it but there is no sound ,

    After running the first command :

    This is my output :

    What should be the second command because when I run ,"dvbsnoop -nph _n 10 0x20" I get nothing .

    Thanks for your help .