No audio in channel

  • I am using digital cable with dreambox. Most channels work fine but one channel keeps giving A_PID : 0

    Upon pressing audio, an audio track is shown but it is not able to select it, unlike other channels where the audio track is selected.

    Video works fine. Please help with whatever knowledge you have.

    I observed that for most channels, A_PID is 1 higher than V_PID

    this channel has V_PID: 530.. therefore an A_PID of 531 would be required. Any way to fix this?

    Your help will be greatly appreciated. Thanks

  • show us a dvbsnoop output.

    dvbsnoop -nph -N 1 0x00

    you'll see the PMT pid in this output for the SID your interested in. assuming its 0x20, and lets say there are aprox 10 channels on this tp

    dvbsnoop -nph -N 10 0x20

    sift through that output and copy and paste the info you see for the SID your having trouble with

    btw does manually setting the apid to 531 resolve the issue ?