
  • After having some trouble compiling an image including genuinedreambox plugin (missing dreambox-tpmd), I finally got success with some manual patches.
    Into my 8000 building environement I created
    then I patched dreambox-image.bb, and everything seemed to work fine (I still have to test my image) :loudly_crying_face:
    What I still don't understand :upside_down_face: is why I'm not able to update my git environement as usual with a git pull for merging from head what I manually update.
    Even a git checkout - f or a git reset --hard make no difference.
    On the contrary, a git pull gives me a warning:

    error: Untracked working tree file 'packages/dreambox/dreambox-tpmd.bb' would be overwritten by merge.

    Where I was wrong? :question_mark:

    ubuntu 9.04 - git 1.6.4


    DM 920UHD - DM Two - DM One - DM 7020HD-v2 - DM 7020HD

  • Your problem is - as the error says - the untracked file that is now present upstream.

    Just undo your changes...

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  • Your problem is - as the error says - the untracked file that is now present upstream.

    Just undo your changes...

    :thumbs_up: Perfectly solved!
    Thanks again!
    Sorry, but error messages sometimes are not so "clear" (and, mainly, unfortunately I'm not so skillfull... :kissing_face: :loudly_crying_face: )

    DM 920UHD - DM Two - DM One - DM 7020HD-v2 - DM 7020HD