dm800 tuner switching problems

  • Hello,
    I'm using dm800 for 3 months now. Its connected to 4 fixed satellites via normal diseqc. Since 2 weeks I started to have very strange switching problems. When I change the channels between the sats sometimes I get permanent "tune failed" other times its temporary. also when I switch back and forward sometimes the tuned failed channel come back and so on.
    I thought at the beginning its a problem with the diseqc, so I changed it with new one but again the same problem.
    I tried to change the simple tuner config A/B/C/D to Advanced, wasted days trying to get better results but finally I gave up. Could this be defective tuner?
    Any help is appreciated.

  • in 95% cases, incorrect dish/switch/coax-cable grounding is the reason of intermittent diseqc switching.
    It's getting worse when you have multiple receivers.
    how many receivers do you have in the system?
    You don't use DishPro/DishProPlus LNBs/switches, do you?

    Do you have tuning problem if you bypass the switch?
    This is important to know (to rule out tuner or LNB controller)

    as far as I can see, LNB controller (the on which generates LNB voltage and is responsible for DISEqC commands) is not on the tuner module.
    It's on the main board.

    thus, if you have switching problem, mainboard has to be repaired.
    If you have tuning problem, tuner module has to be repaired.

  • I had /have like many other various minor dISEQC issues with DREAMBOX 800 , almost no one had these kind of issues with DM500/600/702X ,

    But now - every ones blames the diseqc , Use the new 9-1 V2 EMP-cz diseqc thay added a capasitor to help stable DM800 and Enigma 2 .

    I canfirm that switching to a higher quality diseqc like EMP or Spaun did make it work almost 100% and I am quite satisfied . :smiling_face:

    Also even if you use a diseqc 1.1 like EMP set it to Commited -Uncommited - Tone Burst , Seq diseqc mode to 1.1 and set Commited AA on all inputs and set the Un-commited to the actual sat input 1-8 also in the same window in set the Diseqc repeat to "One" and also play with the "Fast Diseqc" to YES .

    It gived me more stable Tuner and much better channel scanning many channels that only scanned manully now scan just fine with Auto scan .

    I found a way to edit# out the lines in the py file so it wont give me the "Tune failed / Sid / Pat" errors as most time even if I open an FTA channel

    Immediatly inder 0.1 sec I still get the varius tune errors and DM800 tunes just fine :astonished_face: , so now I dont need to close them .

    In my opinion the DM800 doesn't output enough power from the tuner for a regualr default setup , so checking if it works directly with 1 LNB

    Is not a good test as for one LNB it has enough power but who buy's DM800 to use with just one LNB ?

    How many have problem with their H-2-H motors not moving with the DM800 but work just fine with DM500/600/702x ?

    Most Diseqc need 80-100mA and most LNBs need 70-120mA AND H-2H motors need 250-300mA for start so in this case if your hardware uses the Max amper,

    You might have these kind of problem .

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von vipersvcd ()