Beiträge von justme

    Hi having some major issues with my dm800 I flashed it with some patched clone image by mistake and ended up messing the box up

    Couldnt get it talking with dreamup but then used a patched version and got the box talking again, tried flashing with a different image but nothing seems to be working so I came here and used the original image for the 800 pvr dm800 3.0.3.nfi and flashed that it it was working again. Now I know this is not a clone as i Brought this when it first came out before there was any talk of clones and from that 3.0.3.nfi image I checked with the blue panel that it was legit.

    when I turn the power on and hold the button I can get onto the firmware upgrade page and have this Booloader version: Dreambox Second Stage Loader BUILD #76, built 20100419
    but when I goto the flash firmware page I add the new .nfi file but when I click on flash it does nothing just sits there I can keep clicking on flash but it does nothing at all. Can someone help me resolve this as I have flashed the box so many times with dreamup and waiting an hour to find out its still the same is driving me nuts....

    Thanks for your time and help
