Beiträge von petrkl12

    Could you create basic python library for modification of epg.dat file?

    These functions are very welcome:
    - delete all epg events for selected channels
    - add event for channel
    - delete event in channel
    - list all events in channel
    - to have the possibility to stop automated update epg events from transponder for selected channels
    - to have the possibility to handle event for automated epg update if there is

    That should be very useful for i.e. xmltv import, cross epg etc.

    Thanks!!! You are first man who are able to help!

    I have tried it but there were missing libglib as you said.
    I have again downloaded that library and than was missing Again downloaded from debain and than I have tried my test and result was frozen without any info.

    I thing it was based on incompatibilities :frowning_face:

    Do you have any ideas what I could try it?

    thanks a lot

    i have tried it via command:
    gst-inspect-0.10 /usr/lib/gstreamer-0.10/

    vith result:
    - cannot open shared object file
    - cannot open shared object file

    Than I have downloaded some packages for mipsel from debian mipsel distribution and unpacked them and inserted into usr/lib and result after same command: gst-inspect ... :

    - undefined symbol: g_malloc_n

    and for libraries and with command: gst-inspect ...:
    - undefined symbol: gst_element_class_add_static_pad_template

    Do you know where is the mistake? That I have used liborc and libbz2 from debian distribution?

    i want to play flv files in my plugin from url.
    ----> sound is OK, but video doesn't work

    in log is this error:
    eServiceMP3::m_errorInfo.missing_codec = video/x-flash-video

    I have tried to install package gst-plugin-flv_0.10.30-r0.0_mipsel.ipk but result is still same.

    here is my code:
    self.videoclipurl = ""
    myreference = eServiceReference(4097,0,self.videoclipurl)
    myreference.setName("test"), myreference, self.lastservice, infoCallback = self.showVideoInfo, nextCallback = self.getNextEntryVideo, prevCallback = self.getPrevEntryVideo)

    Do I need install something else or I have to change something in my code?


    during enigma2 compilation in ubuntu i received this error message:

    make[3]: Entering directory `/home/petr/enigma2/lib/service'
    CXX servicemp3.o
    servicemp3.cpp: In member function ‘void eServiceMP3::gstBusCall(GstBus*, GstMessage*)’:
    servicemp3.cpp:1396: error: invalid conversion from ‘const GstStructure*’ to ‘GstStructure*’
    servicemp3.cpp:1396: error: initializing argument 1 of ‘gboolean gst_structure_get(GstStructure*, const char*, ...)’
    make[3]: *** [servicemp3.o] Error 1

    Do you know how to solve it|?

    I have finally found myself where is the bugs:

    There are necessery correct two parts -

    setText and appendText with following code:

    Dream guys, could you add into enigma source code? Thanks a lot !

    I have problem with Components.ScrollLabel - I have used this code in my plugin:

    <widget name="testlabel" position="320,271" size="770,218" font="Regular;22" /> 
    self["testlabel"] = ScrollLabel("") 
    # in teststring I have text>8kb. Text is in utf-8 .

    During viewing after 16 pages (Page Down) text is missing in scrollbox, PageDown is working and scrollbar as well but without text till the end.I have tried to use self["testlabel"].getText() and text is OK - full. It looks that problem is in that component. Very interesting is that I have tried to decrease window for scrolllabel ie. from 218 to 60 points in widget

    <widget name="testlabel" position="320,271" size="770,60" font="Regular;22" />

    and again only first 16 pages was OK and then text was missing. It was tested in python 2.5 and 2.6 as well – same result.

    Is it bug or is there some limitation for number of pages?
