Beiträge von filkloch

    Partly, I solved the problem by using a compiler which is downloaded can not remember where
    File: mipsel-tuxbox-linux.toolchain.tar.gz (If you need I can upload to ftp)
    In the directory bin, compiler mipsel-unknown-linux-gnu-gcc.
    1. Unpack the downloaded archive (for example in home folder).
    2. cd $ HOME/mipsel-unknown-linux-gnu
    3. mkdir DM800
    4. cd DM800
    5. Create a file in the folder test.c

    #include <stdio.h>
    int main ()
    printf ("TEST DM800 \ n");
    return 0;

    5. $HOME/mipsel-unknown-linux-gnu/bin/mipsel-unknown-linux-gnu-gcc test.c -o testMIPS
    6. Copy the file testMIPS to a folder /usr/bin on DM800
    7. telnet IP-dreambox
    8. cd /usr/bin
    9. chmod 755 testMIPS
    10. testMIPS
    But why not work compilers, which are in the directory GIT?

    Dear developers please help! I compiled the DM800 image of the Makefile-opendreambox-1.6 from After that, I would like to compile a command-line "Hello, World" C program.
    I tried to compile all the gcc compiler that found in the directory GIT. Example:
    filipp@filipp-desktop:~/GIT/dm800/build/tmp/deploy/addons$ /home/filipp/GIT/dm800/build/tmp/cross/mipsel/bin/mipsel-oe-linux-gcc hello.c -o hello
    also tried using devshell:
    [OE::mipsel-oe-linux-opendreambox-dm800]:~/GIT/dm800/build$ mipsel-oe-linux-gcc hello.c -o hello
    In the performance of the program, I get this error:
    root@dm800:/usr/bin# hello
    Segmentation fault
    What is the problem? Thanks for any information!