Beiträge von maddoggr

    @gutemine wow really? you are not a programmer? I guess next thing you'll say that you learned everything about plugins & linux & manage to do all the things that you want with your box in 5 mins only and without having to read anything and without having any help from anyone.....

    Eberhart wow you just put another nail on the coffin with you very constructive and flawless logic.....

    I just had to reply to all the discussion going on around the various forums and in here cause I'm fed up from various things that people say
    1st a question to everyone "Is with the original software the out of the box experience 0?
    YES IT IS... and we are at 2014 i will say it again 2014 not 1994 not 2004.....
    (if anyone disagrees please do care to elaborate) and no with plugins you can't save the day.

    so the only solution for people was to jump to another software so they can find the functionality that should be there from the beginning openpli was one and for them to stop development is a major hit to dmm either you wanted or not.
    Now to gutemine just a reminder all people CAN CODE NOT.