Beiträge von NoOne1234

    reflashed with the same image again, restored my backed up settings and boot time went down to exactly 4 mins.

    quite happy with the result. still seems quite a long bootup but i think other people are having similar boot times.

    thanks for the help

    thanks for the only concern is its all running fine once booted and im unsure about setup. This was purchased second hand and it was already setup so i actualy havent had to do much to it to get it going. Ive backed up settings to my internall hdd but if i just restore those then perhaps i would be restoring the problem aswell.

    Oh well nothing to loose........ill give it a shot.

    My dm800s is taking ages to boot up. Once booted however it is running just fine.

    I timed my boot and it took 10mins 15 seconds. This is from being completely off. From standby it comes on instantly.
    It is running nabilosat BH 0.12
    Its not a clone.

    Should I be concerned about this or is it normal.
