Beiträge von Conrad-007

    Hello everybody,

    I'm using Fausto on my laptop and connect it to my dreambox. It's working with no problems with my DB7020 Si, but I've observed that I have interruptions when I connect it to my DB800HD... (image freezing). After some researches, I have noticed that my DB800HD is loosing intermittently the LAN connection (I'm just using a cross-over LAN cable, not a router), so that each 20 seconds, if I ping the DB, I receive "Request timed out", after that is working again for the next 20 seconds... I've already tried to disconnect / reconnect the LAN cable on both ends but no difference! And, as I said, on the DB7020 is working without problems. [Moderator] violation of the Boardrules [/Moderator]?

    Thanks in advance for your answers !