Beiträge von voyger

    today been test and reflash again the last update image-dm8000-2015-01-05
    do the setting us usual install channel hotbird astra19 and 28% us for setting at the begin.. finish al work ok motor turn ok from hotbird to 28% ok

    upload with dreamset vhannibal or any other setting the problem start the motor is not recognise motor setting 28% and other satellite
    so where is the error?
    on the older IMAGE dm8000-2014-11-07 no error on motor all ok

    can you fix the problem or answer me how this can be fix?


    last update dreambox-image-dm8000-20150105

    most motor satellite don't work properly some work some don't work 28% and other motor wil not recognise the motor setting
    put the right coordinate but still the configuration say check tuner configuration ..the tuner is setup ok check channel at 28% they are dull motor don't recognise

    flashed the older IMAGE motor setting work ok... is look like we go backwood!! with last update

    can yo pleas check and fix the update



    you are talking about different topics. Skins have nothing to do with your cam manager. You are talking about the GP3 plugin and therefore you are posting in the wrong forum. I do not think, that DMM will support such a manager.


    i am sorry if i did post in wrong forum
    pleas move my post in the right forum.. as you said DMM will not support such a manager.this was just a suggestion as people spend lot of money
    as myself did spend over 1000 euro for my DM8000 and i have to use a third part IMAGE and cannot use a original IMAGE...
    never the less as i said was just a suggestion maybe DMM can consider..


    hi all
    like to use the original DMM IMAGE but on original IMAGE there is not a blue panel Cam Mager
    would like to know if there is any possibility if any one can do a skin with integrate classic Cam manger???
    as lot people would like to use the original IMAGE..but without Cam manager it is useless on my view...

    thanks in advance

    as for specification from DM they saying is what you saying was a trick from DM LOL never the less this is good news...are they going to enable the 256MB on the DM800 and 800se ???? thanks for replaying

    The 8000 had always 256MB Flash but only 128MB were enabled.
    Now you can use the whole flash. :winking_face:

    how do you get this 256??
    DM 8000 specification is 128 MByte Flash, 256 MByte RAM (Arbeitsspeicher)

    the 256 you talk about are 256 MByte RAM...can you explain more pleas

    New SS 83 on 8000 question


    What is new:

    -support new flash mapping (256MB support)

    Did i miss something ?

    Flash on 8000 is 128mb and ram 256mb !

    What does this mean "-support new flash mapping (256MB support)" ?

    They will pump flash on ram ?

    can somebody explain pleas

    dreambox don't want to reboot anymore??

    need your advise last year got this 800 original up to now been ok now don't want to reboot any-more

    when reboot on the led say multimedia reboot now after few second he go
    of that all what i get..reflash with a genuine IMAGE reboot few second
    after go of..don't reboot

    can somebody help and tell us if is a hardware prob or what is wrong
    i am sorry did post this two time in wrong section
