Beiträge von workke


    I've found a bug inside the webif and I give you a solution (not the better one just a patch).

    I've record movies form the French Chanel Canal+ and each time I want to stream them from the webif to my PC/Mac it doesn't work. The streaming was working for record from other chanel !!!

    I've found the problem :
    Inside the file : /usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/Extensions/WebInterface/ line 396, the python code

    return self.source.text.replace(" ","% 2 0")

    replace only "space" with his URL notation "% 2 0" and not the "+".

    I've try this patch

    return self.source.text.replace(" ","%20").replace("+","% 2 B")

    and now all my Canal+ movie records are streamed from the DM to my PC.

    So please could you patch webif for the next version ?
    Could you please use the full urlencode() function available in python ?


    NB : Because the URL code are "interpreted" by the forum board I've added space but there musn't be in the python code