Beiträge von biguine


    1. Ich habe vielleicht nicht verstanden, Feld Tag (kein heute bei mir, nur Mo-Di-Mi-Do-Fr-Sa-So) macht die Datum inaktive (man kann es ändern aber es macht nichts).

    2. Zu sicher sein benutze ich nicht "Toggle Standby" von menu Extra aber das "RemoteControl", so mit das Power Taste sehe ich das Bild mit ein dunkel blau-grau bekommen (meint dass es in Standby ist).


    Will 2-3 official cards all work in 3 Red Viaccess Cams?

    I use 2 red cams (…AM%20Viaccess%20flyer.pdf ) and release-candidate-dm8000_20090603 but not without annoying popups (Viaccess Module / No right for video, no right for audio / OK to return to the Main menu)

    Release candidate from 20090318 add a "Common Interface Assignment" menu to assign services/providers/caids to common interface modules but it doesn't solve the problem (up now).

    You can assign channels (services) and providers to a CI-slot but when you zap on a channel protected with viaccess the box seems to search rights on both cards anyway (I imagine that since one of them has no right for this channel I get the warning popup)

    CAid are actually the identification of the conditional access system, i.e. 0x500 for Viaccess. I don't understand what we can expect with this to assign the right card to channels since both CAM/cards use the same system. But by playing with I found that assigning the CAid to -only one- slot prevent the popup to appear for the channels assigned to it. If you assign the CAid to both or none slot you have popup for all channels.

    Hope this will be solved or documented soon.


    I confirm, typing cat /proc/filesystems in telnet shows no ext2 but ext3 only (release-candidate-dm8000_20090603).

    Have you tried to install the package "kernel-module-ext2" from the dreamboxupdate's feeds ?