Beiträge von Matrix10

    I am more concerned about the inability to use all functions
    which I already wrote.Short>Short>Long button commands.

    Long button command is interpreted as twice short pressure on the button
    in this situation and not as long button command.
    I also think that the problem could be solved with driver update.

    Ok thanks
    we have to wait I believe that engineers from DMM will succeed to fix.

    bei einer reichweite von 1-2m (sehr nah an dm500hd) reagieren beide fernbedienungen tadellos, sprich man kann den pfeil nach unten knopf gedrückt halten so lange man will ohne das es anfängt zu stocken (egal ob SD oder HD skin) !!

    I do not write German but I understood enough .

    Sorry but,

    This is not true black and silver remote not working the same good from 1-2 m

    and for sure not "tadellos".

    Yes,on only one push of the button but not on continu

    and it is the biggest problem with this remote long/continu button function.

    So the problem is not so much in signal strength than in signal bit patron.

    Regards MX

    My SAT friend
    you you can stand at 20 cm from DM500HD
    with a black remote
    but If you have 3-programmed functions
    on one the same button
    1 X pressure
    2X pressure
    and a long pressure
    There's no way you can perform a long press command button

    if you have 1X short button press,2 x short press,and long press on the same button.

    If you Zap tru SAT list with continu press on button is the same bad

    if you compare with silver remote.

    All functions with a continu pressure on the button work very bad
    compared with the silver remote
    and distance from DM500HD not play almost no role.

    We must not confuse two different things

    One thing is slow skin
    and the other is box that does not react well to buttons pressure.

    I have not yet tested any HD skin that was slow on DM500HD

    with old silver remote.

    This box have fantastic power.

    DM500HD not react well to buttons pressure on black remote

    (long button press is nOK,short button press is I think OK)

    and this if possible should be corrected .

    This is not only problem with remote I have tested but with remote from other users.

    I think data bit patron is not the same at the two different remote controlerers

    Timing problem ??

    Regards MX

    This is a good question
    but of course the problem is not related to skin
    because the speed and reaction from DM500HD with silver remote control is very good

    with all skins.
    Responses to a single push of a button with a black remote is also good

    What is not good is response to the long button pressure .

    If we have programmed button with short,2xbutton press and long button pressure

    this wil not work.

    Thanks for your explanation
    Of course in this case the solution to turn off ventilator
    is not OK.

    Not exactly the same temparatur
    because working temparatur is about 42 C

    and Standby temp is 50 to 60C

    What is the difference of at least 10 C to 15 C.
    If you know what will happen in the summer months,
    and if temp dissipation is almost the same as in the ON mode.

    I hope that this will be fixed soon.

    I'm not sure that this is a good idea to switch OFF fan
    in standby mode (idea is good but not with 55 to 60 C temp in open)
    In the new OE 1.6 this is not OK
    The temperature in the Standby is too large
    This has to do be fixed the sooner the better

    To me it is not clear why the temperature is so high

    when the box should produce less heat than
    in working ON mode.

    Regards MX

    I have to ask agn and start this questions .


    anyone working on proper linebreaks in CVS?

    I have test both CVS TXT subtitles and Gusax TXT subtitles

    Gusax TXT subtitles worked very good ...


    Abt DVB subtitles in HD format is OK now (Thanks) but I think we have now another situation

    for me font is now to biggggg .Can we have some compromise ??

    Rgd MX

    You can fix the position of TeleSub and DvbSubs by changeing SubtitleDisplay in skin.xml placed in usr/share/enigma2/<skin>.

    This should be changede to.

    <screen name="SubtitleDisplay" position="280,110" size="720,576" zPosition="-1" flags="wfNoBorder" backgroundColor="transparent"/>


    This is fix I have make and use for my HD skins longtime ,

    with Gusax fix we have now good txt subtitles but if i use this old fix for DVB subtitles position

    in HD skins we have limit in title size 720x576 and this can make problems if subtitle

    text is to long like in txt subtitles we can use 1280x720 format and longer title txt.

    This is not so big problem for DVB subtitles (small font size) but is problem for new

    bigger font size for txt subtitles.

    Ok.But now with this latest TXT subtitles fix I think we can use or not ?? both coding in skin.xml

    one for txt subtitles and another old one for DVB subtitles.

    I hope DMM can find time to look in to DVB subtitles problems on some channels

    we have no DVB subtitles decoding ,subtitles font size is to small for HD formats

    and position of subtitles is not posible to config 100% in HD formats (1280x720)