Beiträge von chrz

    Finally I manage to compile that, thanx Homey for hint. I have an idea to use irexec to control dm, I don't wont to use webif api because of speed of that solution. I find very handy tool rcsim for dbox, little modify, recompile for mipsel and it's working very well. This tool can simulate remote control from shell.

    Exaple configuration, I just test it with Harmony One configured like MCE remote:


    So, if I want to map DM OK, UP, DOWN button to MCE ( in fact Logitech One ) I need to create /etc/lircrc file:

    and start irexec:

    root@dm8000:~# irexec /etc/lircrc

    The best solution would be finding the most similar remote control to original DM as possible, the button layout is important in fact as well. Programing Logitech One with selected and prepare lircrc file. I'm really surprise that above solution is working very smoothly. Finally I don't need to direct remote control to the box. Range with mceusb receiver is much better.

    In that way it is possible to use almost any remote control to control DM :smiling_face:
    In attachment most important file for lirc version 0.8.4a on DM8000 and rcsim.


    I'm trying to build lirc module for dm8000, but I'm stuck. I'm able to compile lircd for mipsel but modules are always for i386. Maybe it is something wrong with kernel sources, it is simply unpacked kernel from ../openembedded/sources/linux-2.6.12.tar.bz2. Any idea, what I'm doing wrong ? :frowning_face:

    Configure and make process:

    [OE::mipsel-linux-opendreambox-dm8000]:~/lirc-0.8.0pre1$ file  drivers/lirc_mceusb2/lirc_mceusb2.ko  
    drivers/lirc_mceusb2/lirc_mceusb2.ko: ELF 32-bit LSB relocatable,  Intel 80386, version 1 (SYSV)     
    [OE::mipsel-linux-opendreambox-dm8000]:~/lirc-0.8.0pre1$ file  daemons/lircd  
    daemons/lircd: ELF 32-bit LSB executable, MIPS, MIPS-I version 1  (SYSV), for GNU/Linux 2.4.0, dynamically linked (uses shared libs), not  stripped
