Beiträge von cgh

    great work, enigma®!
    is there any way, could you find the time, to compile rt2870 for the new kernel, 2.6.18-7.3 ?

    I tried to do it myself but I have to admit, my knowledge is very weak
    I had to stop at the third point form build instructions: GCC and LD

    root@dm800:~# opkg list_installed | grep gcc
    libgcc1 - 4.4.3-r0.1                    	

    perhaps it is not the package I need (at I found gcc-cross-locale-de_4.4.3-r0.1_mipsel.ipk - could be the needed one?)
    otherwise, for 'ld' I have no idea..

    could you help with a new build, for the new kernel, please?

    thank you