Beiträge von tsuka

    Who is the official dealer of dreambox in belgium or where can I find a list of official dream multimedia dealer in belgium. This is to avoid to buy a clone

    could I submit the serial number of my box on here so someone can check and tell myself if my dm800 box is a clone?

    I'd be also interested because yesterday I just received my DM800 and I've tried to update it with[Moderator] Image is in violation of the Boardrules [/Moderator] and after the reboot I get a message on the display "error NO CA" ??? and no more effect even after reboot. A trial with RS232 give no more result ???
    my mac adress is mac 00 09 34 27 17 60 ( is it good ?) and the logo seems to be a correct hologram ...
    Is the serial number a good way ?? :smiling_face_with_sunglasses:
    But I never seen the good method to identify a clone or a genuine dm800
    thx for your reply