Beiträge von miisha


    Originally posted by yoyo
    hi @ll

    am anfang hat es geklapt!... kann ich 1/4 stunde laufen lassen trotzdem kommt keine fortschritt-balken... und mit der selber browser verwende wie am anfang (mozilla)
    bin fast sicher das was mit der Booloader oder Second Stage Loader ist was pasiert... wie kann man es erneuern... oder zurücksetzen?

    mfg yoyo

    Sorry about the language.

    Could I have the same problem? 2nd Stage Bootloader web interface responses only randomly or not at all. Uploading an image is not possible.

    I found out that the reason was incompatibility with my new gigabit switch. After connecting the box back to my old switch, everything worked fine. The reason for incompatibility is unknown for me, the connection works fine when Enigma is running, but not when trying to use bootloader.