Beiträge von acft83


    Is anybody knows where is stored the 2nd stage loader ?

    In NAND flash or in the flash eprom near the NAND Flash.

    I have a DM7025 with NAND flash with too much bad sectors, so I want to change it by new one.
    If I unsolder it, can I read it with programmer (I work in electronic service) and write datas in new one?



    I have a DM7025 with internal flash HS (the 2nd stage bootloader is good).

    Flashing failed (!!! 005 too much data (or bad sectors) in partition 1 (end: 00040000, pos: 00040000)), box will be unusable now!!

    So I have read on several forums that it should be started from tftp server and then with modifications it could boot from CF or USB.

    So, is there anyone to help me to configure a linux pc and DM7025 to solve my problem?

    An other solution is to change the NAND flash, but I will have to program new one before resolding it on board, so I will need the .bin/hex source.
