Beiträge von Skidz


    I first tried upgrading from 0.8.6 to 0.8.7 and when that didn't work i removed 0.8.6 and installed 0.8.7, but on both occasions i get: "cannot import name InfoBarBase" when starting the plugins. Media Center is not in the list...

    Wat am i missing?



    Hi all,

    I've recently changed from the 7000 to the 800, and the one thing that really does not sink in is the way Enigma2 handles video files and recordings. Enigma1 had the file menu, which simply showed all files in a location, and on clicking the file started the corresponding player (Stream player for streaming radio, mp3 player for audio, video player for video files). Now, the box itself only supports recordings, and the media player/media center plugins need to have the media type pre-selected so browsing isn't as intuitive as in the Enigma1 file browser. Is the file browser as seen in Enigma2 beeing developed actively, and will it be as intuitive as the Enigma1 version?
    Are there alternatives?




    Entschuldige meine Deutsch, ich weiss nicht ob ich hier auch Englisch schreiben konnte...

    Ich versuche mal die User-Bouquets zu gebrauchen aber es funst nicht wie an die DM7000... Ich habe est versucht mit DreamBoxEdit 3.0.0 und mit de originalen Firmware in der box, aber der gemachte User-Bouquette gehen nicht in mein Favoriten-liste...

    In English:

    I tried to use User-Bouquets like in the DM7000, but it didn't work. I created the bouquets in DreamBoxEdit 3.0.0 and uploaded them, but they don't show up in my Favorites-list as separate bouquets (i don't see them at all...)

    Thanks in advance,


    Great application Homey!!! The wife loves it :winking_face:

    Is it possible to change the default file paths? When i start the mp3 player i'd like it to start browsing through /media/hdd/mp3, and when i start the movieplayer i'd like it to start in /media/hdd...

