Beiträge von deeptho


    Originally posted by eagle
    Thanks, but:

    root@dm7025:/media/hdd# ./multiepg -a 0 -d 0
    using /dev/dvb/adapter0/demux0
    ERROR : no epg found ???

    Infact Sky epg it's not a mhwepg....

    Do you have any reason to assume that the epg format is the same
    as that on the French TPS transponder? otvepg is not likely to work if
    the format is different.

    There are several reasons why the format would not be the same:
    -opentv is not a "format" but a software toolbox with which applications are
    built. There is no reason that the epg format is the same
    -otvepg does not seem to work on Sirius where a similar sky epg format
    is transmitted, even after changing pid's. This suggests that the format
    may be different (but I could have made a stupid mistake).

    I have myself converted the original otvepg to the relook400 satellite receiver
    and I know that the TPS epg-format is quite complicated, mainly because it
    contains compressed data. Reverse engineering
    is not trivial but perhaps someone can provide some hints on the format
    and then it should be easier.