Beiträge von letmesmile

    Hello tmbinc,

    I got a crash if I booted from CF, had a Swap-File on CF and copied a big file (2GB+) from hdd to hdd and after 2 minuites, BANG! Otherwise I can record something and after 10-30 minutes, bang. If you switch DMA off, a crash needs a little longer ...
    I believe that it is not important which disc or CF card you have since I have tried 2 different discs and 2 CF.

    After booting from hdd and swap on hdd, copying and recording without problems and uptime over a week. CF can be mounted and accessed as long as the load is not too high.


    Thanks for your discussion. Perhaps the following is of interest:

    I used a log time only a CF-card and my dream 7025 works perfect. 3 weeks ago, I added a 2,5" SSD-disc and almost each record results in a crash. Note that I was still booting from CF and a swapfile was also on CF. (By the way, I had to boot with ide=nodma and later switch DMA on again. hdparm reports, hdd supports DMA)

    So I tried several settings of hdparm, in particular to switch DMA off. This makes my box a little bit more stable, but do not make me happy at all.

    The easiest way to get a crash was to copy big files from hdd to hdd and after some minuits I had my crash.

    Reading now your comments, I had the idea to avoid more or less all access to the CF card - only booting is still controlled by the CF file autorun.bat.
    Now my box is up for 1 day, DMA of hdd is activated to udma2. Several tests (copying, recording) are no problem.
