Beiträge von percivjr

    Thanks for the reply, but when I try the echo comand, I get:

    -sh: cannot create /proc/stb/ir/rc/mask: Directory nonexistent

    and if I try to create the directory:

    mkdir: Cannot create directory `stb': No such file or directory

    So what creates this directory in the first place??

    I have a DM7020S with flash image 2.6.9.

    I am trying to program the remote control (to avoid conflict with my DM600) but I cannot set the mask in /proc/stb/ir/rc because there is no /proc/stb directory.

    Any ideas how to get that directory, please??

    I have installed Samba 3 and is working fine when mapping a drive on my Windows XP pc.

    But when I try to connect from a Windows 2000 pc, 'top' shows smbd CPU use of 50-60%.

    Same problem with Samba 2.0.

    Any ideas?

    (DM7020s - Gemini 4.0)