Beiträge von cipher

    I decided to post my diff file even if it´s a little ruff, hopfully someone could clean it up and make it in to GIT, my suggestion to improve the patch.

    1. Follow the same standard as other userbouquet file and with custom pid specified
    example /etc/enigma2/
    #EPGPID 0x39
    #SERVICE 1:0:1:38f:15:56:300000:0:0:0:

    2.Get serviceref direct in epgcache.cpp so no need for the patch on dvbci.cpp (did not have time to fix it myself)

    3. As suggested read the epg language from settings or any other standard file and make it possible to change from GUI
    example /etc/enigma2/settings

    Diff file:

    EPG Evolution

    The error seems to be the same i got first, run "ipkg update" and "ipkg upgrade" to get the latest python part of enigma2 (if it still does not work it could be that the update is delayed on the image you using).

    I will post diff files when i´m done with the patching..

    EPG Evolution

    Patched enigma2 OE1.5 for DM800

    EPG langauge patch
    Default enigma2 using menu langauge as prefered EPG langauge this patch reads from the file epglang instead for prefered langauges.
    You can have multiple langauges in the epglang file seperated with a newline the first line, the first line will be the
    first prefered langauge and the second line the second prefered langauge and so one...

    Note the langauges needs to be in the 3 character codes and in lowercase like "eng" for english.

    Full Viasat EPG patch
    This patch makes enigma2 listen on pid 0x39 instead of the standard pid 0x12 for EPG on the channels specified in the epgpid file

    Full Viasat EPG working on the channels (included in the default epgpid file)
    EPG (12054000V) - You get a zap error on this one but still gets epg
    EPG_data (11862000V) - Recommended

    The file include installation notes..

    EPG Evolution

    I am facing the same prolem. My cable provider has a lot of channels which have now/next data with ech 24 hours. So when I use the epgcache the first to days are overwritten by these events.

    Maybe it is possible not to disable now/next but just get now/next when there is no data in the cache? Can anyone please point me in a direction where to look for in the source?

    Sure take a look at the function eEPGCache::channel_data::startEPG in the file lib/dvb/epgcache.cpp.

    If you comment this lines you should disable the nownext epg.[0] = 0x4E;
    mask.mask[0] = 0xFE;
    m_NowNextReader->connectRead(slot(*this, &eEPGCache::channel_data::readData), m_NowNextConn);
    isRunning |= NOWNEXT;

    EPG Evolution

    Enigma2 is using the menu language as first preferred language but that´s not a good solution as i would like english menu and my own language on the epg.
    So i have done a patch to do what you have suggested in the file "/etc/enigma2/epglang" i write what first/second/third preferred language it should use on the epg.

    I need to do more testing then i will post my modified enigma2 for dm800 on my forum, if someone is interested i could post diff files also.

    EPG Evolution

    Thanks for the info, patched enigma2 and got full epg on viasat :winking_face:

    The channel you posted about seems to gone but found a replacement channel called EPG_data (11862000V) with the same data.

    To change epgpid on enigma2 edit the file lib/dvb/epgcache.cpp search for = 0x12; and replace 0x12 with 0x39 (you will get epg on viasat but not on any other channels as they use 0x12)..
    Would be a nice feature to be able to change the EPGpid on a specfic channel on enigma2.

    BTW think the thread should be in "Enigma 2 - Feature Requests"

    EPG Evolution

    Currently i´m using this method..

    I have a problem with making a small tv screen (PIG) , it working on dm500 ,dm7000 and dm7020 but on the dm600 it does not resize the tv screen it display the box with transparent color so you can see the normal tv screen in the background through the small box...

    I have tried two methods, the way from avia_gt_pig.c and the libfx2 way is there a theird newer methods that working on all receivers?

    How do i get the current bouquet value like in the files in /var/tuxbox/config/enigma that have names like userbouquet.*.tv where * is a hex value?

    or is the anyway to get the a number(like 0-3) so i can use the info in

    I´m writting a plugin to enigma1 and i like to know how to get "service info" on other channel then the current channel, like prev and next in the current bouquet..

    gets ServiceID on current channel

    eDVBServiceController *sapi=eDVB::getInstance()->getServiceAPI();