Beiträge von BushWhacker

    Excume me for my doublepost, I had already posted in de bugreports, bus discovered this thread later
    ( Webinterface - Edit Timer - Recording subpath disappears )

    In the webinterface of Enigma 2 I experience the following problem:
    When I edit a timer which uses a subpath to record to, the subpath disappears and points to the default recordingpath.

    The timer points to: /media/hdd/movie/Stargate (I checked on the TV).
    When I click EDIT on the webinterface, it points to /media/hdd/movie (the default recordingpath).

    Is there a solution for this problem?


    In the webinterface of Enigma 2 I experience the following problem:
    When I edit a timer which uses a subpath to record to, the subpath disappears and points to the default recordingpath.

    The timer points to: /media/hdd/movie/Stargate (I checked on the TV).
    When I click EDIT on the webinterface, it points to /media/hdd/movie (the default recordingpath).

    Is there a solution for this problem?


    Hi Gutemine,

    Thank you for your explanation and files.

    I've installed Eclipse + Pydev on my PC for learning Python.
    Eclipse looks good with syntax highlighting etc.


    Have fun creating a Version 3.0, and I'm looking forward to test it !

    thanx. I'll do my best for it, but don't know when I've enough time cause I've to learn Python first.
    Usually I program in VB.Net 2005 on my WindowsXP-box.
    When it's ready, you're the first to know! =)


    PS. I still like the quote `Das Männchem mit schwarzen Ohren`. :face_with_tongue:


    Well, a Class model would be fine, but I don't think you will find one - even in DMM office building - correct me if I'm wrong :winking_face:

    Probably not. :face_with_rolling_eyes:


    But the Pythons normallyhave relatively speaking names so a simple grep class *.py gives you a quick answer of what could be relevant and then it is not difficulet ot guess from the names which one would be usefull to import/use in your code. So i think the programmers at DMM have done a pretty good job and Ilaways try (!) not do do too much harm to their code :winking_face:

    Good idea! I'll grep it. :winking_face:

    I wanna give it a try. It would be great if you post the scripts.
    Is there a `full development environment` for development for the dreambox?

    Thnx again!


    ps. I like your avatar! Why don't you use it ?

    Hi Frits,

    I know restarting Enigma flushes the data to disk, but I think it's weird that I have to restart Enigma everytime I change timers for the case that.... :frowning_face:


    Hi Gutemine,

    Thank you for your response.
    >> gutemine ist einfach schon ein altes Mädchen :smiling_face:
    You're the cleaninglady... :grinning_squinting_face:
    It's not easy: In Germany they have translated all names :frowning_face:
    zB Abraracourcix == Majestix, Bonemine == Gutemine
    ( )
    In NL they use the original names.

    Now on topic again....
    I tried to rename the title, not the files.
    And in the source I've found the `problem` alias feature. :winking_face:

    With an instant recording there is no title in the meta-file, so it cannot be replaced.
    I've attached the 2 metafiles, 1 with EPG, 1 without EPG.
    When renaming an EPG-recording it works perfect!

    Something else:
    Do you know where to find a classmodel of Enigma2.
    I would like to program myself, but it's hard without classmodel/diagram.

    Thanx again for all the plugins. I'm also using BA.



    Originally posted by Olove
    For your second request, try the new cutlist editor from the newer CVS images. Simply open the video mode, select your movie and press "menu - cutlist editor". There you can edit your movies, cut off (virtually) unneeded beginnings and endings and commercials. Further you can insert chapter marks.
    The files aren't actually cut, there are simply markers which tell the video player which part it shall play and which not.


    Hi Olove,
    Thanx for your fast response.
    I'm an old Dreamer..... I'll try the cutlust editor.



    What I really like to do is change the name and metadata of recordings.
    I have a dream-keyboard, so it would be very handy if I can use it for the renaming.

    Another request: A simple way to cut a recording. I always record 15 minutes before and 30 minutes after (Veronica is bad in timing :face_with_tongue: ) and I would like to remove the crap before and after.


    I'm very interested in the solution. A virtual NIM is a very good idea and is imho not very difficult to program.
    Maybe a similar solution can be made for webradio. Than it can work the same way as a sat-radio channel and can be set into a bouquet.
