Beiträge von mrdude

    Hey guys, does anyone know what this error means:

    Successfully terminated.
    Collected errors:
    ERROR: Cannot satisfy the following dependencies for enigma2-plugin-extensions-webinterface:

    When I try and compile the image I can't as I always get an error and in the error log this is where the error happens, I have no idea what that means or how to fix it so any help would be great. Thanks

    Hey guys, I wonder if someone can help here? I downloaded the cvs and compiled a dm600 image a few months ago - this took around 10 hours or so. Is there anyway I can just update the cvs without downloading for 10 hours again - I read somewhere there was a touch command or something like that a while back but I seem to have lost my help files on my hard drive somewhere.

    Basically I have the cvs on my computer still - i just need to find out what to type into the terminal window to update the cvs before re-compiling - thanks.

    I know how to add the channels manually to the bouquets so I can view them, but I would prefer to mod the cvs so when the dreambox was scanning - it put those files in the services - however just now it doesn't.

    So let me make this post clearer - I want to mod the cvs files to find type 00 services - how would I go about this, ie. what files do I need to edit and any help with code would be appreciated - thanks.

    Hi guys, Here in UK on our cable system we also have TYPE 00 services - which are hidden TV services, does anyone know how to mod the cvs to add these hidden tv channel types to our services file?



    Originally posted by pcd
    For including stuff in the image, you will find an English openembedded how-to in Boxman's forum. For including by ftp, all the locations are shown as links from /var. :smiling_face:

    Thanks m8, I joined that form and downloaded the pages with the guides. That will get me on my way, cheers.

    OK that's me built a basic image now, now say I wanted to add my own services, cables.xml files and custom plugins - how would I go about that - ie what files would I need to modify - or where would I add my extra files and what commands would I use to rebuild the image with the added files?


    Considering this is a developer forum - there is not much help to be had in here, lots of views but not one single reply! either you all know nothing or you just can't be bothered helping - hmmmm sorry for wasting your time.

    Hey guys I was just wondering if there is a noob guide to installing open embedded & what packages I need to build a basic dreambox 600 image from the cvs - or if any tutorials exist.

    I have made dreambox 500 images before from the tuxbox cvs - but I used a guide to do this so I am looking for something similar for the dm600.

    Cheers and any help or links would be appreciated.