Beiträge von denony

    Hello, :smiling_face:

    First all, please accept my apologies, I’m from France and I don’t speak and understand German. (I use Google Translator from German to English to read the forum).

    Do you know when a new release of Webif is planned ?
    Actually timer modification doesn’t work in version 0.8.0. :loudly_crying_face:

    Once the timer is created, when I click on Edit icon in the Timer List screen the Add Timer form is displayed, but the Name field is set to "N/A" (not to the real Timer name) and Description is set to "1". If I click on Add/Save, the timer is not updated but a new timer appears in the Time List screen. And if I click on Delete icon on this timer, the original timer is deleted.

    I go back to version 0.7.1.rc0 : Timer modification works, but some timers are not recorded. :frowning_face:

    Older versions don’t work since I’m in Summer Time (I use a DM7025 with 2 DVB-T tuners)… They automatically add 1 hour.

    Thank you in advance for your help. :smiling_face:

    Brest regards.