Beiträge von Jaco2k

    Hi all,

    Sorry for writing in English but my German is non-existent and i guess there is a bigger crowd in here to answer my question (?)

    I have come across a problem that has me very confused:

    1. When the HD is sleeping, I get almost constant freezes (image and sound) in any channel I watch through my cable tuner - BER shoots up
    2. If the HD is spinning (timeshifting, recording or plain idle) the image and sound appear perfectly
    3. When I am watching something on the sat tuner, even with the HD sleeping, everything looks perfect - no freezes at all
    4. This happens even with the box totally cold (after spending the night unplugged)

    Does anyone have any idea?
    The most weird thing is that affects only one of the tuners... the second most weird thing is that it very much seems to have something to do with the HD.

    Thank you for your ideas!
