Beiträge von Shrikey


    Originally posted by Christian2The timers don't get messed up. The only thing is that the timers remain the same relative to GMT/UTC. They are simply not updated.

    I've got an added problem now.

    It seems the normal timer added from the EPG works as usual, when I change the timer to "repeat: weekly" it add an extra hour to it.

    Where could I post/report about this bug?
    I think the best solution would be to add a on/off option to the timezone settings for this one.

    Box type: 7025
    Firmware version: 20070125

    your question
    My box did an automatic transition to summer time (+1 hour) last night, but while doing that it also messed up all my timers and added an extra hour to all of them too.
    The problem is that it adds the same hour into all new timers added from the EPG as well, which effectively means I can't really use the machine as it is ment to be used.

    Googling this problem got me nowhere, so I'm asking if someone could help me with the problem?

    I had set them both correctly, the problem was that I was autoscanning them both back to back, the cable being the last, so the satellite info did not store before the cable tuner was scanned.

    I was approaching this piece of equipment too much like traditional cosumer electrics, assumed that things work like this.

    Thanks for the link, gonna check that out now.

    Would you fine folks mind telling me what is the benefits of each image (on DB7025 or in general), which are the most popular ones and why?

    I'm using the latest version of the official software (flashed it like a month ago), but I'm having trouble finding information on the other editions.
    I'm actually having trouble finding proper information about the DB in general. I can't find good wikis, forums or websites that would have guides, how-tos and software.
    I mean, DB needs a good all aroud site like that, which wouldn't be in bloody german only.

    Help? Tips?

    Total newbie here, in search of some info on what I can do and what I should do with my DB. Heres the info:

    Box type: DB 7025 with DVB-C and DVB-S tuners and a HDD
    GUI (enigma1/enigma2): Enigma2, I think
    Firmware version: Latest, I just ran it

    Since the box came with little manuals and I couldn't find any to help with wiring it up, I'm asking you lot.

    How the hell does one hook the tuners? Right now I've got my satellite dish screwed into the DVB-S in and line off the wall socket in the DVB-C in. Then I hooked my VCR (I know, but I wanna have it around for a while) to the SCART as well as my TV into the other.
    I also took the normal antenna through the DVB-C out to my telly, since I can't get any cable/digi channels throught the SCART.

    So how do I get the cable stuff visible through TV SCART?
    Any pointers or links to guides I should check out?
    I'm in Finland, so which satellites are the good ones (any finnish DB related forums worth checking out)?

    Thanks for the info in advance!