Beiträge von alex22

    I'm a happy DM7000s user, and also an experienced developer. As such, I come up with many ideas I'd love to test (plugins, scripting, system tools, or even contribution to enigma's evolution). However, the entry fee (installing and using the cdk) is very high, and I cannot afford to invest the time.

    What about the following idea: setup a dreambox "compile farm" ?

    Actually, I guess a single preconfigured cdk machine could suffice considering we are not so many after all. The way to submit sources can be of any kind, though e-mail and HTML form are the most obvious.

    The thing could be hosted by dream multimedia, since it would help greatly improve the attractivity of their products to the developer ecosystem.

    Security, as usual on a compile farm, is most easily guaranteed by exposing only source input. Makefiles are not given by the user, only autogenerated (with user-configurable compile options), hence no shell access can be given to malevolent users.

    Reactions ?

    Thanks for doing this. Any hope to get the same for 7000 ?

    More generally, it would be nice to have a place were people could upload various cdk-generated binaries, for those who cannot afford to install the cdk (like me). Any existing initiative ? All information welcome.