Beiträge von topolinik963

    I have used and this is the error :
    pidebe@pidebe-desktop:~/Dm7020E2$ make -f Makefile-opendreambox image
    /usr/bin/monotone --version | grep -q "monotone 0.24" :tired_face: /usr/bin/monotone --version | grep -q "monotone 0.25" :tired_face: { echo "Did not find monotone 0.24 or 0.25"; exit 1; }
    Initial database already existing, ok.
    /usr/bin/monotone pull --db=oe.db org.openembedded.dreambox
    monotone: doing anonymous pull; use -kKEYNAME if you need authentication
    monotone: connecting to
    monotone: first time connecting to server
    monotone: I'll assume it's really them, but you might want to double-check
    monotone: their key's fingerprint: 17417e6212c89884a1ad865b3b31b92d8679a663
    monotone: error: sqlite error: 1: SQL logic error or missing database
    monotone: error: make sure database and containing directory are writeable
    make: *** [oe.db] Error 1
    Thnxx !!