Beiträge von aalex77

    Actually i got the same problem, but i didn't understand what do you mean? Wher should i find the plaing back code ?? I search in enigma_main.cpp but, i couldn't find it?? In which instance is the code?

    Hello, sorry but i never get error during recording :confused_face:
    I don't really know what's your problem...

    :grinning_squinting_face: I got it!!
    I did it in this way

    Thanks a lot for your hint!!

    I do it in this way

    		infoSatTimer=new eTimer(eApp);

    and it's work, showSatInfo is declared as

    void showSatInfo()

    but when i try to do a scan of the satellites sometimes I can't see the signals bars and engima crashes... :confused_face: :confused_face:
    Thanks anyway

    I got this error :confused_face: :confused_face:

    any idea??

    I croos-compiled the busybox 1.1.1 with the patches, but the network seem doesn't work :confused_face:
    Even with my last cvs (02-05) the network doesn't work, may be a bug in the configuration file?

    Really kind, this afternoon i will try!!

    It's work but the box seem to be instable, could tell me where is the best place to call the function that set the value in the skin?

    my function is like that

    and i call it in this way

    void eZapMain::init_main()
    CONNECT(eServiceInterface::getInstance()->serviceEvent, eZapMain::showScreenInfo);

    Thank you :smiling_face:

    Hello, how could i get fec info from enigma and make it suitable to be shown on the skin?
    To get frequency and srate info i did in this way

    int freq=eFrontend::getInstance()->transponder->satellite.frequency;
    int pol=eFrontend::getInstance()->transponder->satellite.polarisation ? 'V' : 'H';
    int sr=eFrontend::getInstance()->transponder->satellite.symbol_rate;
    freq_pol->setText(eString().sprintf("%d", freq/1000)+" "+eString().sprintf("%c", pol));
    srate->setText(eString().sprintf("%d", sr/1000));

    Thank you

    Hello, i would like to know if it's possible to use the eTestPicture class to test my own colors, hence if does exist a way to pass the color value (in hex) as an argumet.
    thank you!

    Hello, I just try to compile an image for 7025 dreambox but i still have this errors since i start to try :frowning_face:

    Someone can help me??