Beiträge von patorger

    Hi! Thank you for a super guide for fixing the DM820.

    I have tried this on a DM820HD where i saw my friend had tried to flash the image of the DM520....

    When using terminal it clearly shows that there is wrong software installed.

    (it goes without saying nothing works, not even the recovery mode) Shows the message stoped/failed with red text.)

    Any other suggestions, would the descreibed process (earlier in this post) also work when image for 520HD is "installed"? Tried this without sucsess.

    When put in the command "boot -tftp -elf PC-IP:vmlinuz-rescue--3.4-r0.3-dm820-20160405.bin" in terminal the DB returns "-sh: boot: not found "

    The rest of the process seem to work until i try "flash-rescue /tmp/vmlinuz-rescue--3.4-r0.3-dm820-20160405.bin" then the DB retunrs:

    Manufacturer ID: c2
    Memory type : 20
    Memory density : 18
    read id ok
    comparing 2357 sectors...
    nothing to do

    ...any suggestions?