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    Thank you mOrphu very much for your interest.. And thank you very much also Reichi for your interest..
    It is my first experience with a dream box.. I don't regret at all my bought. The quality of image is sincerly extraordinary.. I've recepteurs under linux, but there is no comparaison..
    I know that the box is under experimentale software.. But i know also, that the teams who support the box are the best in the domain..
    In my case, i reconfigured all my devices with new code wifi that is accepted by DM7080HD.. Hoping, that the problem of wifi will acquire your interest..

    I don't use WEP, I use WPA2. Is the modem interface which gives me under wpa2 the possibility of including a code praphrase or HEX. But what I have noticed is that the codes with signs and numbers are not accpts. Similarly if the code is made up of more than 20 characters is not accepted ..



    Finally I was able to solve the problem of the wifi connection..
    After several tested and reconfiguration of the wireless modem, I found that the software of DM7080HD has been configured to accept only the wireless encryption "passphrase", encryption "HEX" is not supported .. And the code passphrase must be short, it should not exceed 20 letters .


    Hi ..
    I will try to report in detail what I saw as the problem in the WLAN connection in the DM7080HD ..

    1- i put ennabled wifi.
    2- the recepteur scan networks wifi..
    3- wifi available appear after a few minutes with encryption protocols: wep, wpa or wpa2..
    3- i select my ssid router witch use wpa2 encryption with the ok touch..
    4- a dialog box appears ..
    5- it said: paraphrasing PSK
    6- I put my WPA2 code with letters, numbers and signs ..
    7- I put ok with my remote control..
    8- the dialog box disappears ..
    9- but there is no connection .. the red cross is still visible before the ssid selected ..

    I reconfigure my router in free mode, and I repeated the same process without putting code (of course), it works, There are connection ..

    I'm sorry but in my case the DM7080 doesn't accept the encrypted wifi. I tested it with free wifi it walks impeccable. I tested the wlan stick with my computer it works impecable in encrypted wifi .. The proof is that the soft of DM7080HD doesn't give the choice between different encryption mode it shows only PSK :grinning_squinting_face: ..

    Hi Reichi..
    The soft of DM7080HD doesn't support at all wifi encryption .. The trouble isn't hard.. the stick wlan works fine.. I tried it without encryption it works very good in DM7080HD.. it also works very well on my computer using encryption.. the problem lies in the software that must be upgraded to support encrypted wifi..