mini din 5v power limit

  • hello

    i read technical data and i don't find information about power consumption limit on socket mini din 5v (and USB 5v) in dreambox 7020

    does anyone know ansewer ???


  • [quote='jacek.wilczek',index.php?page=Thread&postID=66513#post66513]


    i read technical data and i don't find information about power consumption limit on socket mini din 5v (and USB 5v) in dreambox 7020

    does anyone know ansewer ???


    __..: <es erfreut den [A]ssembler, wenn der [C]'oder ab'rechen sollte>:..__

  • yes u're right!
    guess 500mAh is much as u can get!

    btw: it does'nt matter @ll what box ure using!
    DIN is DIN!

    __..: <es erfreut den [A]ssembler, wenn der [C]'oder ab'rechen sollte>:..__

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