Recovery Stick - dm8000

  • I am still un-able to creat a recovry stick since I bought dm8000. I have downloaded the NFIFlash Plugin : enigma2-plugin-systemplugins-nfiflash_2.5cvs20081008-r1_mipsel.ipk then uploaded it to the box into different locations:
    /hdd/ or
    /usr/lib/enigma2/python/plugins/Extensions or
    then by telnet,run ipkg install for that file in the above locations, but always get same error message.
    I don't know how to install this plugin, and anyother plugin file of extension .ipk as well.
    My box is still in its brand new state and did not make any change either in hardware or software (even not fixed hard disk yet) and trying to creat a recovery stick before installing any plugin/software, but failed.
    Can some one help me in this issue?

  • why don't you install plugins via the green buuton in the Pluginlist - if it is a CVS Plugin and you use the original image it should be listed there

  • Yeeesss .. I did it via plugin install green botton .... the problem was that I should be connected to internet which i found out late.

    Thank you too much for help.

    Now, how I can use the recovery stick to recover the box in case having boot problem?

    thanking you again :smiling_face:

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von atefalassraj ()

  • Simply use the plugin (doownload image - box hast to be online, prepare stick,..)

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von Lost in Translation ()