TagEditor - another plugin for setting tags

  • Synopsis
    The TagEditor plugin is an alternative to MovieTagger for setting movie tags. It is adapted to the current enigma2, in that it supports multiple locations for movies, and allows you to specify tags in timers. And, it is (in my opinion) much easier and more intuitive to use than MovieTagger.

    As you may have noticed, in the end of the summer of 2008 multiple locations support was added to enigma2, and later in the fall the tag functionality was enhanced: The tag filters changed appearance and got more configurable, and functionality to have tags in timers was added. However, to use the full tags functionality, you need a recent tag editor plugin. TagEditor is exactly such a plugin (and currently the only one, unless for example MovieTagger is updated).

    The TagEditor is intended for both changing tags of movies (possibly in different locations) and specifying tags in timers.
    It has a rather simple interface with a single list of tags where you can toggle them with "OK".
    On the menu button, there are options to e.g. rename a single tag, remove a single tag, clean up all unused tags, or search for new tags in all movie locations and timers (possibly created by other plugins).
    For efficiency all tags are saved in /etc/enigma2/movietags.

    Caveat when using TagEditor and MovieTagger together
    TagEditor and MovieTagger uses the file /etc/enigma2/movietags differently. MovieTagger distinguishes between predefined tags, stored in that file, and "user tags", which only exist as long as any movie has them. User tags can be created and removed, whereas predefined tags can not be changed from within enigma2. I think this distinction
    is confusing and inconvenient. Therefore TagEditor saves all tags alike in the file, and any tag can be removed or added from within enigma2.

    However, this means that using TagEditor will blur the distinction between user tags and predefined tags for MovieTagger. So if you for some reason (unlike me) are really fond of this distinction, you should not use TagEditor.

    In all other cases I strongly recommend to switch over to TagEditor!

    The plugin is available for download from the plugins menu (experimental feed). For convenience I also attach it below.

    Best Regards
    Anders Holst
