My DM 8000 does not find CF

  • Hi,

    Thank you very much for your help.

    At first time I have tested the official images of Dream-Multimedia, release 10.12.08.

    At second I tried the last experimental.

    And at last time I tried a non official image.

    I think that it could have an Hardware problem because my DM 8000 doesn't recognize my compact flash

    My CF is normally formatted to my DM 7025 but isn't recognized by my DM 8000.

    Do you have any suggestion?

    thanks a lot.

  • did u reboot the box after or befor pluging in the CF?
    did u powered down ur 7025 before unpluging the CF?

    __..: <es erfreut den [A]ssembler, wenn der [C]'oder ab'rechen sollte>:..__