booting problem

  • hi,
    last night i tried to upload nabilosat v0.7 into flash using the web browser. after finishing i got a message saying ( much data (or bad sectors) in partition 3 (end: 04000000, pos: 04000000))
    and since then the box would not load nor do anything. i tried flashing other images but no luck as well. any solution for this other than sending the box to the dealer since i live in a country that does not have an official dreambox dealer (saudi arabia)?

    please help,

  • should not put the nfi flash,because thet nfi full of makeup and unnecessary additives it is 40 mb!man!If you want to test various nfis my Council is use ony usb,where can install and delete nfis when you want.inportant in dreambox flash keep always and only the original nfi,on usb you can play :kissing_face: and test nfis and warius plugins/keep your flash in the box safe/

    enigma2 goes to future