autotimer wishes

  • Didn't the autotimer use to have case-insensitive searches?
    I noticed that with the current version timers are only added if there is a case sensitive match.
    Since I use several 'record everything with xyz in it' entries, I have to create duplicate entries with all case combinations at the moment. Perhaps case sensitivity could be an option?

  • It still tells the EPGCache to search case-insensitive, so if there's a bug it's most likely there (though I can't remember when it should have been changed...).

    Actually allowing to switch case sensitive/insensitive on a per-autotimer base has been on my TODO for quite some time, but never got around to implement it :winking_face:

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  • weird, there hasn't been any change in that area for a year at least.
    I do see a bug however in eEPGCache::search, but looking at the code it should only affect case sensitive searches, not case insensitive searches.

    I'll have a look and try to debug why it doesn't find case insensitive matches.

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von pieterg ()

  • weird, everything just works fine, so no action needed.

    Apart from the case sensitive search bug, but so far nobody has used that I think.

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von pieterg ()