Can I schedule tasks using cron on DreamBox

  • Hi All

    I don't own a DreamBox yet but looking at the documentation on the web it would seem ideal for what I need to do.

    I'd like to schedule some regular record/ftp/replay/delete tasks. Can I use cron for this on a Dreambox?

    My task list would be something like this:

    23:00 Record for four hours.
    05:00 Ftp the file to an external server.
    10:00 Playback the file.
    14:00 Playback the file
    18:00 Delete the local copy.
    Repeat the above every day.

    If it can be done.....
    Are there any example cron scripts around?

    I did see another thread about a problem setting a timed record over midnight. There were no replies to it. Is this really an issue.

    Thanks in Advance


  • I wrote already some time ago a cronmanager plugin for the 7025 as and ipk kit and a simplified version is also available for the PowerPC Dreamboxes. This kits always includes an installation routine doing the setup, a simple management script and some examples.

    So what version would you like to have - or better for which Dreambox do you want to use cron ?

    Edited 2 times, last by Lost in Translation ().

  • Hi gutemine,
    Thanks for the reply.

    I'm looking at the DM600T for this, as its a DTT channel that I need to capture. (I work for a content provider and need to make sure our material went to air correctly overnight).

    I can deal with setting up cron jobs under Linux. What I'm really interested in whether the Dreambox is capable of being controlled this way to the extent that I need.

    Best Regards


  • Then I think you need this kit.

    There is a readme.txt included at /var/etc/cron describing installation and usage.

    After unpacking the kit you have to do enable to get the binary automatically started when rebooting - is described in readme.txt. I could make an ipk file out of it like I did for the 7025, but I'm simply too lazy, and the advantage ist that this kit will work also on 7000 and 500 boxes.

  • Cronjob is no problem. To ftp the files is no problem.The tricky part will be instructing the external server to play back and the dreambox to receive. You will need customised server and client software for this.

    Good luck. :smiling_face:

  • Thanks pcd.

    My Dreambox record source runs at a fixed time so I don't have to worry about triggering that.

    The idea is to ftp my recorded file to a directory watched by Telestreams FlipFactory for conversion other formats.

    My own repeated playback will be done on the Dreambox itself to a number of TVs in an office.

    I have my DM600 now. Let the fun begin......