Concurrent building

  • Is it possible to build the enigma2 image with two or more CPUs concurrently?
    It takes quite a while to build the whole image from scratch, and it seems like a big waste to compile just one file at a time when I have a two CPU Linux box at use.

    When compiling Linux for my PC, the concurrency (make -j 3) makes the compilation at least twice as fast as with no concurrency.

  • OK, I got that.
    Following lines in "build/conf/local.conf" made the thing:

    PARALLEL_MAKE = "-j 3"

    And to make that automatic (Makefile-opendreambox overwrites it), I changed the makefile:

            echo 'PARALLEL_MAKE = "-j 3"' >> build/conf/local.conf
            echo 'BB_NUMBER_THREADS = "3"' >> build/conf/local.conf

    The number "3" is here the number of concurrent / parallel makes.
    I'm not sure if both of these are really needed, but it doesn't hurt.

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von tero_ ()