sci0 failure and lack of support DM

  • To all:

    Situation: brand new 7020Si (now four weeks old). sci0 (lower slot) not working, sci1 (upper slot) working fine. Request for support and/or warranty ends three weeks after first contact with mumbling about image used (which is of no importance since clearly a hardware failure).
    Anybody same experience with the service organization ?
    How to proceed from here ?
    Awaiting any positive response..........
    Regards, Paul

  • I'm not sure about the laws in your country, but for example in germany, it's at first your dealer who is responsible for handling damages, not the manufacturer, unless they give you special (and optional) "Garantie" (i'm not translating this because i'm not sure if the term "warrenty" means the same in this context).

    If this problems occurs with a dreamcrypt card with the latest official image, then this is probably a hardware problem, and our support should handle that. But then again, your dealer should handle this issue, this might be easier.

    So, flash the original image, test that it doesn't work, and then report to the support. They should be able to help you. Non-DMM images could always contain errors which for example make only one slot working. That's probably why the support isn't too helpful if you have other images installed.